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\topmargin -0.75in \oddsidemargin 0in \evensidemargin 0in \headheight 0in \headsep 0in \topskip 0in \textheight 10.5in \textwidth 8in \large \begin{center} Niagara Falls Public Library \\ 4848 Victoria Avenue - Niagara Falls, ON - L2E 4C5 \\ Tel.: 905-356-8080 \\ Web: my.nflibrary.ca Email: [email protected] \\ \end{center} \vspace{1in} \raggedright CHARLENE SAMARCO 4750, Apt# 2 MORRISON STREET NIAGARA FALLS ON L2E 2C3 \vspace{0.5in} Dear CHARLENE SAMARCO, Our records indicate the following material is overdue and is accumulating late return charges. Please return this material to your nearest library branch to avoid further late charges. You may also renew your material by calling 905-356-8080 or online through your borrower account at live.nflibrary.ca . \vspace{0.2in} Card Number: 28080001637248 Date : \today Title: The everything father's first year book : a survival guide for the first 12 months of being dad Barcode: 38080100365707 Due: 2018-01-12 Item Price: $28.5 Total Fines: 8 Title: The real deal guide to pregnancy : fresh and practical advice for navigating the next nine months Barcode: 38080101731071 Due: 2018-01-12 Item Price: $46 Total Fines: 16

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