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To: seanvout71@gmail.com From: Niagara Falls Public Library Date: Tue, 03 Jul 2018 06:40:09 -0000 Subject: Overdue Notification Auto-Submitted: auto-generated Dear VOUT SEAN GILLES, Our records indicate the following material is overdue. This is your final notice. If items are not returned within a reasonable time, your material will be marked lost and you will be charged the replacement cost of the material plus a processing fee. Title: The drum story : an ancient story of how a young girl was given the gift of a drum and how she used that gift to help her people find peace Barcode: 38080600033342 Due: 2018-06-08 Library: Victoria Avenue Title: Jigsaw Barcode: 38080600028086 Due: 2018-06-08 Library: Victoria Avenue Title: The dream catcher : a beautiful and ancient Ojibwe story teaching about how to live with Mother Earth and to respect our cherished elders Barcode: 38080600033318 Due: 2018-06-08 Library: Victoria Avenue This is an automatically generated message and replies are not monitored by staff. For contact information, please visit http://nfpl.info/contact . ------- This message was sent by NIAGARA FALLS PUBLIC LIBRARY, 4848 Victoria Ave, Niagara Falls ON L2E 4C5 905-356-8080 askus@nflibrary.ca

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